Issue: A multi-million customer company dealing with a huge current of messaging each day needed to optimize the time its internal IT team spent identifying error occurrences in their daily business flow.
Solution: Vero's Tibco consulting team designed and implemented an error queue application, which allows the corporation’s IT, team to quickly and efficiently pinpoint data errors and resolve them. Customized to the company's business logic, the error queue implements a simple, non-branching, workflow management system and provides reporting tools designed for easy readability.
Vero consultants designed the throughput of the monitoring system to handle more than 10 million messages a day. The solution is based on custom Tibco adapters, which monitor a Rendezvous bus, storing contextual data into an Oracle database in its underlying XML structure and resending the original data to the appropriate listeners if the business process requires the resend functionality.
For more information about this case study, and to discuss putting a similar solution in place for you, please contact us.